ELIXCYTE®, a stem cell new drug from UnicoCell BioMed Co. Ltd. (UnicoCell), has received approval from both the United States Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) and the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (Taiwan FDA) to proceed phase III clinical trials for Knee Osteoarthritis, and has been recognized by the prestigious international journal, Cytotherapy with our study, "Treatment Efficacy and Mechanism of Action of ELIXCYTE Adipose-derived Stem Cells in an Animal Model of Knee Osteoarthritis", acceptance. With great honor, UnicoCell has been invited by the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT) to present and publish the findings at the ISCT Conference in Vancouver, Canada, in May 2024. UnicoCell will participate in the ISCT conference, welcome everyone in the industry, academia, and research institutions to stop by UnicoCell.
Contact: Terry Lee
Phone: 886-2-27922699
Mail: info@unicocell.com